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Writers that Inspire!
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    These authors so impressed me that I asked them for permission to host their stories here on The Tarheel Writer, except Cole Parker, but that's another story. So read along and enjoy!

The Tarheel Writer - On the Web since 24 February 2003. Celebrating 21 Years on the Internet!

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Rick BeckNew Novel from Rick Beck
  Over 80 complete works - a must read

Chris James
  Over 80 complete works - a must read

Cole ParkerNew - Cole Parker
  I like him so much he got his own page!

R J Santos
  Awesome Proud Young Filipino Author - 6 works

Ube Licker
  Two works

Dean Lidster
  Three Hanson Fan-Fiction works

Taylor QuestTaylor W Quest's Home Page has been updated with his Taylor Hanson Fanfiction
  Taylor Hanson Fan-Fiction

Whitewater Kid
  An Albemarle Tale

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