Author Ube Licker   
Ube Licker

    I guess the first question is what is a ube? Since the author's name is Ube Licker, I guess we should answer that question. A ube is simply a yam ... a sweet potato. The Filipino call a sweet potato a ube. Check the picture. That's a ube! Kinda phalic isn't it! LOL!

Ube Licker

    "Beautiful Soul" by Ube_Licker was recommended to me by my editor. He has excellent taste in stories and knows exactly the kind of story I like to read. He has recommended some real gems in the past, so I naturally started to read this one. By the end of the first chapter I was hooked and by the end of the 8th chapter I sent Ube_Licker an email of congrats on a wonderful story along with an invitation to post it here. It is with great pleasure that I recommend this story and to offer it to you directly from this site. Enjoy the story, the beautiful descriptions of the islands and some of the history of Hawaii.
          Ube_Licker has written a second story that's only found here at the Tarheel Writer! "Quarter for Your Thoughts" comes complete with a talking quarter! LOL! You'll have to read to see what I mean. Enjoy!

"Beautiful Soul"
Beautiful Soul by Ube Licker

"Quarter for Your Thoughts"
Quarter for Your Thoughts by Ube Licker

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