The Watchers by Jevic   
The Watchers
by Jevic

Science Fiction
Action Adventure
Sexual Situations
Rated Mature 18+

The Tarheel Writer - On the Web since 24 February 2003. Celebrating 21 Years on the Internet!

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    Thousands of years ago, visitors from another planet came to Earth and gave evolution a "shot in the arm." They left a group of their own to "watch" over Earth. These Watchers had never intermingled with Earthlings, until now. Sixteen-year-old Cameron was the product of that and he has a "tingling" that allows him to do things.

An Introduction


Chapter One
Close Encounters

Chapter Two
Leap of Faith

Chapter Three
Misguided Hate

Chapter Four
Special Bonds

Chapter Five

Chapter Six
Broken Trust

Chapter Seven
Dark Days

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven
Thumbs Up


Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen
New Found Allies

Chapter Fifteen
Blast the Bitch

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen
We Need a Ship

Chapter Eighteen
The Line in the Sand

Chapter Nineteen
Life and Death


Pictures of the Main Characters

The Watchers is © 2003 by The Tarheel Writer.
    This work may not be duplicated in any form (physical, electronic, audio, or otherwise) without the author's written permission. All applicable copyright laws apply. All individuals depicted are fictional with any resemblance to real persons being purely coincidental.

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