The Carolina Scribbler (Johnny)    The Carolina Scribbler
Carolina Author

The Carolina Scribbler
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Proudly presented by The Tarheel Writer - On the Web since 24 February 2003. Celebrating 22 Years on the Internet!

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A quick note from Jevic
    Johnny closed down The Scribbler's Pad back in 2005. He had Tarheel Writer on his links page and hosted a variety of authors. He eventually ran out of time during the day to devote to the site and decided to close it down. All his work was posted at, which has also closed up shop. "A Smokey Mountain Christmas" by the Carolina Scribbler remains a favorite even until this day. You can read it here. I could only find one other work by Johnny and that's "I Once was Lost" and it is included here. The story was never finished and was put on hiatus back in 2005, but can be read as is.

"A Smokey Mountain Christmas"
A Smokey Mountain Christmas by The Carolina Scribbler
Click on the picture for a larger view
Complete in 1 Chapter (8,203 words)
     I rolled my window down slightly and watched my breath as the warm air hit the cold. Just then a holiday favorite of mine came on the radio, 'White Christmas' by Bing Crosby. I loved that song and if I was going to be of good cheer then that tune pushed me right over the top. 'Breathtaking' I thought. From my perch, I looked at the town and watched the snow falling silently for several minutes. I began singing along with the radio and I felt ok, there was a kind of emptiness too. I had felt this way many times before but I had never dealt with it except to deny it's existence. I looked skyward and made a wish, a request to the heavens to someday have someone to hold and love who would love me back. It was just a simple request, one I figured would probably be passed on because the BIG MAN has more important things to attend to.

"I Once was Lost"
14 Chapters (74,571 words)
Not Complete - On Permanent Hiatus since 2005
I Once was Lost by The Carolina Scribbler
Click on the picture for a larger view
     Warning for Two things - this story is NOT complete and is on permanent hiatus. Second, this story starts out in a very dark place and comtains triggers for suicide. Reader be warned.
     I mused about how many people in this country were walking around, teetering on that oh so thin line between sanity and insanity. Just one little moment or event and-oops! I figured it boiled down to just two groups, either people who had fallen into complacency, absorbed into monotony and desperately wanted a way out or people who one day, simply just had enough and snapped. I could understand first-hand the latter. I had my reasons for planning what I was going to do.

All stories © The Carolina Scribbler, All Rights Reserved
Copyright Notice: This work may not be duplicated in any form – physical, electronic, audio, or otherwise
without the author's written permission. All applicable copyright laws apply. The characters in these stories
are fictional with any resemblance to real persons being purely coincidental.

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