Works in Progress

These stories are still being written, so don't expect an ending.

This page updated Date and Time Site Updated Friday 19 July 2024 12:11 PM EDT

The Tarheel Writer - On the Web since 24 February 2003. Celebrating 21 Years on the Internet!

Tarheel Home Page

    These stories are still being written, so don't expect an ending. Check back from time to time and see if there is a new chapter. The best place to check is the home page under updates. Some stories appear to have been abandoned, but I'm leaving them on this page in the hopes that the author gets their motovation back. In the mean time, they continue to be great reads even though they are not quite complete. All of these stories feature Harry and Draco as the main characters. Be careful and read the story summary, because there are some stories where either Harry or Draco die (shudder). Some will make you laugh, cry, get hot and bothered or all at the same time. And, of course, there could be sex in these stories ;)
     So have fun and read a story or two or three. And please report broken links here and make recommendations here.

If you are accessing this site via a saved bookmark, be sure to refresh this page for the latest update!

Story recommendations are presented in alphabetical order.


"All That's Known in History and Science"
by wendlaa
Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/users/wendlaa on 6 January 2020
Post Hogwarts/Trainee Auror Potter
Rated Fiction MA 18+
2/5 Chapters posted (22,403 words)
Last Update 11 September 2019
Status - apparently abandoned - can be read as is
Link last checked on 5 July 2024
     “That’s not my life,” Draco says firmly. “It’s not. It’s someone else’s. Someone else lived this life for eight years, but it certainly wasn’t me. I don’t have a husband. I couldn’t... And if by some strange twist in reality I did, it certainly wouldn’t be… him.”
     wendlaa is also the author of "A Guide to the Morphology of Magic" which is on the Ultimate Harry/Draco list. I enjoyed that story very much and am looking forward to more chapters of this story.


"All the Answers"
by Maxine
Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/users/Maxine on 27 July 2021
Hogwarts/7th Year/Horcrux Hunt
Not Rated
29/? Chapters (196,143 words)
Last Update 21 June 2013
Status - apparently abandoned - last chapter is a cliffhanger
Link last checked on 5 July 2024
Note - 5 October 2022 - just re-read this story and I stand by my recommendation!
    Author summary and comments: Finding himself saddled with Draco Malfoy is just about the last thing Harry expected to happen this year. Too bad ignoring the git is something he’s never been able to do. Horcruxes, war, and teenage hormones – no one ever said this would be easy! This is a post-HBP 7th year fic that is not compliant with Deathly Hallows at all. The first 16 chapters were written before that book even came out! Starts out slightly Harry/Ginny but doesn't stay that way for long. Mentions of past Draco/Pansy. Enjoy!


New WIP Suggestion! "Better Late Than Never"
by SlythindorMalfoy
Link verified to Members.Adult-FanFiction.org/profile.php?no=1296932223 on 15 November 2023
Post Hogwarts/Drama/Children
Not Rated
17/? Chapters
Last Update 10 October 2013
Status - WIP
Link last checked on 5 July 2024
    Draco walked confidently through the streets of Diagon Alley. No particular destination in mind. It was almost midday and the afternoon sun felt good on his skin. He was glad he decided to take a walk. After Scorpius left, the manor just seemed cold and uninviting. It was impossible for him to stay there and function properly. He wandered where his feet led him and wasn't too bothered at where he would end up. Well, that was before someone walked right into him and then fell on their ass. He glanced down and blinked. Then blinked again. The fates were definitely smiling down on him because at his feet looking all cute and rumpled was Harry Potter. His Harry.
    Author summary: It's never too late to find love.


"Contract Under Love"
"Love Under Contract - Contract Under Love The Re-Write"
by CelticKitsune
Link verified to Members.Adult-FanFiction.org/Profile.php?no=1296936962 on 13 February 2021
Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/users/CelticKitsune on 30 September 2021
Post War/8th Year/MPREG
Not Rated
8 Chapters (49,298 words)
Last Update 29 October 2016
Rewrite Info!
1 Chapter Posted
Last updated 10 March 2020
Status - apparently being re-written under a different title
Link last checked on 5 July 2024
     Harry's plans for the future come to an abrupt halt when he is informed he must marry Draco Malfoy by the end of his final year at Hogwarts. In order to postpone their impending nuptials, Harry and Draco return to finish their final year in school. Amidst manipulations from multiple parties, Harry and Draco are surprised to realise the growing feelings between them.


by cassandracook
Link verified to FanFiction.net/u/6043452/CassandraCook on 13 February 2021
Post War/8th Year
Rated Mature 18+
9 Chapters (27,423 words)
Last Update 12 October 2014
Status - apparently abandoned - can be read as is
Link last checked on 5 July 2024
     A prophecy, a bloodline. One path light, one path dark. One destined for success, one doomed to fail. This is an exploration of the fine line that exists between love & hate. Probably one of the more realistic Harry/Draco pieces you will stumble upon.


"Harry Potter and the Parliament of Dreams"
by Myr
Link verified to GayAuthors.org/Author/Myr/ on 13 February 2021
Post Goblet of Fire/Violence/Child Abuse
Not Rated
Last Update 7 January 2006
Last Chapter posted Chapter 28 "... and Beyond"
Status - Long Term Hold by the author - can be read as is, but will leave you wanting more
Link last checked on 5 July 2024
     Myr has done such an excellent job, I just couldn't help but add this stupendous work to my list. "Parliament of Dreams" picks up just after "Goblet of Fire" (Book 4 in the Harry Potter Series) and focuses on Harry's fifth year at Hogwarts. The immensely popular Harry Potter series has many, many Fan Fic stories, and Myr's work, "Parliament of Dreams" is one of the best I've read. I can't go into the plot as I would spoil some really neat revelations, but, alas (as Dumbledore so often says), Harry and his archrival Draco Malfoy end up "together." Myr has an immense imagination that will have you thinking this is actually a HP book. You are going to love this tale!


"Harry Potter and the Unusual Alliance"
by Ruki-Rocks
Link verified to FanFiction.net/u/1121359/Riku-Rocks on 13 February 2021
Post HBP/Adventure/Hurt/Comfort
Rated Teen 13+
26 Chapters (162,239 words)
First published 17 December 2006
Last Update 22 May 2011
Status - apparently abandoned - last chapter is a cliffhanger
Link last checked on 5 July 2024
     Sometimes help comes from unexpected places. In the summer immediately following HBP, Harry and Draco meet under unusual circumstances and become each others only hope for a future without Voldemort.


"How to Save a Life" by Cassie Black
Link verified to FanFiction.net/u/1376184/Cassie-Black1 on 13 February 2021
Deathly Hallows compliant - ignores epilogue
Rated Fiction M
60 Chapters Posted
Last Update 30 March 2009
Status - apparently abandoned - can be read as is - no cliffhanger
Link last checked on 5 July 2024
     Nervous about returning to Hogwarts for his 7th year, Draco is horrified to realise he is in love with Harry Potter. Harry is still consumed with guilt following the defeat of Voldemort and feels abandoned by his friends. Can Draco save him from himself?
     Any story that starts out with "Oh shit!" has potential in my opinion. There's lots of fluff, but well told and it deals with some difficult issues. All in all, I'm enjoying the story and look forward to future chapters.


"On the Edge of War"
On the Edge of War
by Just A Passing Cynic (Lex)
Link verified to FanFiction.net/u/1358469/Just-A-Passing-Cynic on 15 February 2021
Rated Fiction M
9 Chapters (39,606 words)
Last Update 16 August 2009
Status - abandoned - last chapter is a cliffhanger
Link last checked on 5 July 2024
     As prophesized, Harry’s going to save the world. But nobody expected this: Harry playing by his own rules. Ministry and idiots be damned, Voldemort will be crushed. And along the way, our Savior finds love in the most unexpected places. HD, RevoluntionFic
     Interesting twist, but I kinda like the idea of a Harry that decides if he has to so something, he's going to do it his own way.
     I've been feeling uninspired lately, so I've decided to change my pen name and put everything on hold except A Second Chance. I've also been affected by the coming transition to university and fear that I might have not enough time to update as regularly as possible. I need to revamp everything because of a slight change in style and maybe some stories will be deleted because I really don't have the time or the inspiration to carry on, but we shall see.
    So far I've decided to rewrite Black Lord's Rising, On the Edge of War, Sweet Enigma, Constantine's Heir, Era of Revolution and Hellhound. I have left these stories alone for too long and so I've lost the train of plot and the excitement that came along with writing new chapters.
     I apologize if this decision causes anyone disappointment but it must be done.
    On the other hand, this will most probably make my stories better. So please bear with me and I hope everything will turn out for the best.
    Yours Sincerely,
    Lex, now Obsidian. Snake and formerly Just.a.Slytherin

    WTF!?! Damn! And the story was really good (or it would not have ended up here). I'm gonna save all the chapters in case they get deleted. I'll try to keep up with this author and pass along any information I find. Thanks!


"Reality Upside Down"
by InuStar
Link verified to FanFiction.net/u/1358469/Just-A-Passing-Cynic on 15 February 2021
AU/Horcrux Hunt/JK is a Squib
Rated Teen 13+
41 Chapters Posted (163,067 words so far)
Last Update 3 March 2006
Status - apparently abandoned - can be read as is but will leave you wanting more - last chapter is a cliffhanger
Link last checked on 5 July 2024
     The world of Harry Potter is actually real. JK Rowling is a squib ... with a lot of poetic license. Harry needs to bring someone back to life to help him find the last horcrux. A muggle ritual expert is brought in to make it all happen. The chapters are long, the story is enticing and you'll enjoy the ride!


by Frances Potter
Link verified to FanFiction.net/u/115789/Frances-Potter on 15 February 2021
Hogwarts 7th Year
Rated Fiction M
11 Chapters Posted (313,810 words so far)
Last Update 16 April 2007
From the author - Due to ill-health it hasn't been updated for a very long time.
Status - apparently abandoned - can be read as is, but will leave you wanting more
Link last checked on 5 July 2024
     When Draco decides to go skiing, he doesn't plan on spending the night away from Hogwarts, but then it starts snowing again. Draco suddenly finds himself the victim of exposure ... freezing to death, Draco starts to panic ... but wait ... there's a cabin up ahead ... smoke from the chimney means a warm fire ... Draco makes his way to the door as fast as he can ... his teeth chatter as he pounds on the door ... warm air washes over him was the door opens and he looks up into the green eyes of ... Harry Potter.
     This is awesome! I just wish Frances Potter would finish it! Read it. It's fantastic!

by jennavere
Post Half Blood Prince/Time Travel
Rated Fiction M
8 Chapters Posted
Last Update 27 February 2007
Link last checked on 5 July 2024
Status - Sadly this work is no longer online but I have a copy of the chapters posted.
     Draco Malfoy, on a mission for the dark lord, breaks into the Ministry of Magic but is caught. Trapped in The Time Room, Draco is frantic as the Aurors pound on the door. He is holding a very heavy hourglass and loses his footing. Crashing to the floor, Draco lands on the hourglass, smashing it to bits. The next thing Draco realizes is that he has been transported to the future ... a future where his lover is none other than The Boy Who Lived. Very cool story!


Updated!"The Wizarding World is Not Enough"
by Riyan_Blue
Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/users/Riyan_Blue on 26 July 2023
Post Hogwarts/Auror Potter/Spies and Secret Agents/Hit Wizard Pansy Parkinson
Rated Fiction M
37/? Chapters posted (179,541 words)
Last Update 3 February 2023
Added 26 January 2021
Status - On Hiatus - last chapter is a cliffhanger
Link last checked on 5 July 2024
     Ten years after the Second Wizarding War, a 28 year old Draco Malfoy is working at Flourish & Blotts. He lives with his roommate, Greg Goyle, across the street from his new best friend, Hannah Abbott. It is not the life he had envisioned when he was at Hogwarts, but it pays the bills.
     His life is thrown into disarray after his ex-boyfriend, an Unspeakable, sends him an important package which results in the wizarding world's secrets becoming embedded in his mind. He soon wishes he could go back to the days when all he had to worry about was whether or not he would ever get the assistant manager position. Because now his days are filled with Unspeakable missions with his handlers, Harry Potter and Pansy Parkinson, and his cover story is that Potter is his boyfriend. And sometimes it feels like that cover is turning into something more.


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