WIP - Works in Progress
Works in Progress
    These are stories I am following that are not complete. Some get updated now and then and some probably have been abandoned. I like every single one. There are on this list so I can check on progress every once in a while and for my reference.
    Some can be read as they are with a satisfied conclusion, but, be warned, some will leave you with a cliffhanger!

The Tarheel Writer - On the Web since 24 February 2003. Celebrating 21 Years on the Internet!

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Date and Time Site Updated Friday 19 July 2024 12:11 PM EDT

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    All stories have Fiction Ratings prominently displayed. I have also made an effort to indicate specific warnings for each story as well - everything from violence and gore to extreme torture and death. You can make your reading choices knowing what you are getting in to. Enjoy!

Story recommendations are presented in alphabetical order.


by Tim the Story Guy
High School
Last Update 1 October 2007
Part IV, Chapter 20 (Total Chapters 83)
Status - apparently abandoned - can be read as is
Link last checked 8 March 2024
    Two boys are sitting on a bench, under a tree at the local park after school. Their names are Allen and his best friend Rusty. Allen always talked to Rusty when he had something personal to talk about, after all Rusty is his very best friend from early childhood. Rusty was also the first (and only) person so far that Allen had told that he is gay.


"Crystal Throne"
by Bert McK
Last Update 13 December 2010
Journey to the West, Chapter 21 (86 total chapters)
Status - apparently abandoned - can be read as is
Link last checked 8 March 2024
    It was only a few days earlier that Scott first saw the apparition. He was sitting at his bedroom window. The view of the setting sun over the old city skyline was spectacular, the silhouetted buildings looked like discarded blocks in a giant child's playroom. Just as the darkness was beginning to deepen, he caught a movement out of the corner of his eye. Looking down on the back yard he could make out a shape in the dim twilight, perhaps of a man, or woman. It was vague and indistinct. Then, just as he was able to really focus on it, it was gone. Was it just a trick of the dusk and an already overworked imagination? Or perhaps there really was someone out there, watching the house, waiting for an opportunity to rob him. But the way the figure vanished without a trace, like it was never really there . . . maybe it was a ghost.
    This is a four part series (so far):
Part 1 - Crystal Throne (21 Chapters)
Part 2 - Riders of Tuatha (22 Chapters)
Part 3 - Power of the Dark Lord (22 Chapters)
Part 4 - Journey to the West (21 Chapters so far)


"Do What You Can"
by Jason Calme
High School
Last Update 23 April 2003
Chapter 9
Status - apparently abandoned - can be read as is, but it will leave you wanting more
Link last checked 8 March 2024
    Danny Sullivan was the first gay person I ever met. Or at least the first person I met who I knew was gay.
    Danny had 'come out' the year before in high school. Rumors had circulated that he was gay and he had never denied them, so everyone assumed it was true. Weird, huh?
    No one hassled him about it that I know of. Maybe he got some catcalls and such, I don't really know, but he was never beaten up.
    He was in the Drama Club, of course, and always hung out with 'those' kids.
    He always seemed to be a happy kid, and he wasn't in your face about being gay. I didn't feel threatened by him or anything.
    But then I didn't go out of my way to talk to him either. He had his own circle of friends and we just never mixed. I guess I was kind of glad of that, what with my own issues with sexual identity.


"The Enigma of Flatness"
by Devon Keene
Enigma of Flatness by Devon Keene
32 Chapters
Last Update 16 June 2016
Status - not "matter of fact" indicated as complete - but can be read as is
Link last checked 8 March 2024
    The year is sometime in the future. You and your best friend are orphans. Your friend finds an encrypted disc on the sidewalk and suddenly it seems like every law enforcement person on the plant is out to find you. Your best friend and you run and run and finally find yourselves at the spaceport in a spacecraft. Utilizing the skills you've learned while attending the Imperial Fleet Academy, you take off into space and on an adventure that will have you at the edge of your seat. Read along as Devon takes you on a wild ride complete with breathtaking close calls, a longing neither boy wants to admit and AI (that's Artificial Intelligence) with an attitude! You'll love this story!


"New Kid in School"
by Comicality
New Kid in School by Comicality
High School
Last Update 4 May 2022
Chapter 70 (393,600 words)
Status - Temporary Hold by the author
Link last checked 8 March 2024
    Randy has been hiding his sexuality from family and friends all his life, but when a brand new boy moves into town and begins sharing classes with him...his attractions may just boil out of control. This is the story that started Comicality's road to becoming a very successful author!


"On the Outside"
by Comicality
On the Outside by Comicality
High School
Last Update 20 December 2023
Chapter 30/? (187,018)
Status - Temporary Hold by the author
Link last checked 8 March 2024
    What if you hated yourself for being gay? What if you wanted to keep it locked away inside of you forever? Ethan is living the experience of that awful realization and hoping to one day overcome it. But what about a new friend by the name of Drew? If you think it's hard keeping your feelings a secret . . . imagine what it must be like for someone 'exposed'.
    It's a story only Comicality could tell ... and with all his stories, you'll be amazed. Comsie is truly a master storyteller.


"Space Ship Boys"
by Erik Ritler

Last Update 6 August 2011
Chapter 21
Status - not "matter of fact" indicated as complete - but can be read as is
Link last checked 8 March 2024
    An epic character - driven science fiction story set aboard a spaceship that has escaped a dying world. It features mostly 17-22 year-old guys, and you will find adventure, love, sex, uncertainty, humor, angst, more sex, hijinks, and possibly a whale or two. (LOL, no kidding!)
    The author goes on to say "As a writer, I can make a couple of promises. This is a story about all of the things above, but at its core it is an erotic story. Unless something unforeseen comes up, there will be sex in every chapter, I promise. It is my purpose to arouse as well as entertain, and if a chapter fails to do both I will have fallen short of my goals. At the time I am writing this new forward I am completing chapter 15, and it is my intention to take the characters you find to a satisfying end.
    I was searching for a new SciFi/Fantasy story and I'v found a real gem. You'll enjoy this story. The plot is wonderful and the sex is drippy wet!


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