Harry Potter Universe Stories
Stories Set in
the Harry Potter Universe

The Tarheel Writer - On the Web since 24 February 2003. Celebrating 21 Years on the Internet!

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Complete works the writer liked updated
Date and Time Site Updated Friday 19 July 2024 12:11 PM EDT

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     These are stories set in the HP Universe. There's blood magic, vampires, necromacy, revenge, wild and crazy Harry and a whole lot more. These are stories that have nothing "gay" in them, but the writing as too good to pass up. You'll also find stories about the Potter kids. So have fun and read a story or two.
     All stories now have Fiction Ratings prominently displayed. I have also made an effort to indicate specific warnings for each story as well - everything from violence and gore to extreme torture and character death. You can make your reading choices knowing what you are getting in to. Enjoy!

Stories with Classic are Classic stories that are MUST reads. Please enjoy!

Story recommendations are presented in alphabetical order.

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"A Second Chance at Life"
by Miranda Flairgold
Link verified to FanFiction.net/Miranda-Flairgold on 10 March 2021
Rated Fiction M
AU/Original Characters/No Parings
35 Chapters (251,462 words)
Completed 22 July 2006
Added 5 August 2009 (archived)
     Thanks to Davin for suggesting this Harry Potter AU story that is beyond awesome. Vampire fans, get in line. Yer gonna love it! Be sure to check this one out. You will not be disappointed.
     This isn't exactly a gay story, but the writing was too good to pass up.


"Changes in a Time of War"
by Miranda Flairgold
Link verified to FanFiction.net/Miranda-Flairgold on 17 July 2018
Rated Fiction M
AU/Original Characters/No Parings
33 Chapters (340,607 words)
Completed 22 July 2006
Added 5 August 2009 (archived)
     Sequel to "A Second Chance at Life." Harry is training in bloodmagic/necromancy, he is becoming a basilisk with a thunderbird's soul, there's a plague in Europe, demons are about to invade Earth, and Voldemort needs to die.
     This isn't exactly a gay story, but the writing was too good to pass up.

NOTE: There is a part three of these stories, if you're interested, but it is only two chapters and hasn't been updated since 2009. Thanks to my good friend Marco for letting me know.


"A Year Like None Other"
by AspinInTheSunlight
Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/users/AspinInTheSunlight on 10 March 2021
Hogwarts/Alternate 6th Year/Snape Adopts Harry
Rated Ficton T 13+
Snape/Harry/Draco/No Pairings
97 Chapters (760,446 words)
Completed 25 March 2007
Added 8 Jan 2012 (archived)
     It all started with a letter from home and family. Except, Harry doesn't really have either, does he? He's about to get them. Winner: Multifaceted Best Genfic, Best Draco Fic.
     Authors Notes: This story follows Canon Books 1-5 and an alternate sixth year. HBP never happened. Instead, A Year Like No Other took place. Harry got adopted by Snape, Draco turned to the Light, and then Snape adopted him as well. The Dursleys all died except for Dudley who lost a lot of weight and found his heart with the help of a talented therapist. So, Harry's got a father and brother now, plus a cousin he can stand. Since Year Like No Other was started before HBP came out, some other things in this universe differ from canon. In this universe, Snape *is* a pureblood and his father's name was Hostilian (which tells you a lot all by itself). Dumbledore never died, but Pansy Parkinson did, and Theodore Nott went to Azkaban for murdering her. Draco is younger than Harry, but only by a few days. I'm sure there's more but that's what comes to mind. Just remember, nothing that we found out in HBP necessarily matters in this story.


"A Summer Like None Other"
by AspinInTheSunlight
Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/users/AspinInTheSunlight on 10 March 2021
Hogwarts/Alternate 6th Year/Snape Adopts Harry
Rated Ficton T 13+
Snape/Harry/Draco/No Pairings
24 Chapters (225,007 words)
Completed 13 February 2008
Added 20 June 2018 (archived)
     Family isn't everything, as Harry, Snape, and Draco discover in this sequel to A Year Like None Other. How will a mysterious mirror and a surprising new relationship affect a father and his two sons?


"A Family Like None Other"
by AspinInTheSunlight
Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/users/AspinInTheSunlight on 10 March 2021
Hogwarts/Alternate 6th Year/Snape Adopts Harry/heavy levels of angst, misfortune, agony, and uncertainty
Rated Ficton T 13+
Snape/Harry/Draco/No Pairings
75/? Chapters Posted (670,066 words so far)
Updated!Last updated 11 July 2022
Added 20 June 2018 (archived)
     During his final year at Hogwarts, relationships will splinter as Harry confronts secrets long-buried and faces the greatest challenge of them all.
     This story begins shortly before Harry's seventh year at Hogwarts and assumes he has lived through the experiences of canon years 1-5. Instead of Half-Blood Prince, he then lived through the events of A Year Like None Other and A Summer Like None Other. Nothing from canon books 6 and 7 is necessarily true in this universe, though some elements from those books may be utilized. Major differences from canon: Snape in this story --is-- a pureblood; Vernon and Petunia Dursley have both died; and most notably, Snape has adopted both Harry and Draco. Minor differences include a wealth of details such as the fact that Draco's birthday falls on a different date. For more information, read the preceding stories.


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"Coven of the Rose"
by CRose
Link verified to FanFiction.net/CRose on 10 March 2021
Revenge/Humor/No Pairings
Rated Fiction M
14 Chapters (82,796 words)
Completed 6 September 2009
Added 8 Jan 2012 (archived)
     Harry's escaped from Azkaban and wants Revenge! Now this isn't your normal everyday kind of revenge, Harry is a second generation Marauder with a bone to pick with just about everyone that thinks they can just discard him like a worn out shoe.
     OMG, this is the funniest story I've ever read. You'll be rolling on the floor! This is NOT a gay story, but it's SO funny I couldn't help but suggest it.


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"Dangers in the Past"
by Star Polaris
Link verified to FanFiction.net/Star-Polaris on 10 March 2021
Post Hogwarts/Post War/AU/Time Travel
Rated Ficton T 13+
50 Chapters with an Epilogue and a Prequel (78,523 words)
Completed 15 September 2002
Added 6 March 2005 (archived)
     Harry finally defeated Voldemort, now the Death eaters want to set things right. The only way they can think of is if the boy who lived is never born. There are fifty-one chapters of this wonderful story, but most are short. And, hehe, hang on for a wild ride as Harry meets the teen version of the Marauders ... Peter, Remus, Sirius and, yes, James and Lily. There's a prequel to this story called "Web of Lies."


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"Fate is a Four Letter Word"
by Philo
Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/Philo on 10 March 2021
Post Hogwarts/Next Generation
Rated Fiction M
Angst/Tragedy, Romance, Drama, Mystery/Suspense, Action/Adventure
Violence, Adult Language, Sexual Situations, Non-con (rape), Character Death, Threesome, Contains Het Sex, Contains Slash Sex
Pairings: Harry Potter/Severus Snape/Kingsly Shacklebolt
105 Chapters (550401 words)
Completed 4 December 2010
Added 6 November 2009 (archived)
     Harry‘s only aim has been to create a safe and happy life for his family, but his efforts are destroyed one spring afternoon. Harry meets new friends and old enemies, old friends and new enemies, whilst trying to find a path through a changing world.
     This is a well written story. Hehe, yes there's good Snape and a little Lucious bashing. But that's to be expected in a good HP story. Be warned though, some of the descriptions are not for the faint at heart.


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"Harry Potter and the Council of Elves"
by Mione5
Link verified to FanFiction.net/Mione5 on 10 March 2021
This is the only page I could find for Mione5 where her works are listed.

Rated Ficton T 13+
22 Chapters
Completed 2 February 2004
Added 8 Jan 2012 (archived)
    After the events at the Ministry all of the students went home. Within hours Harry Potter had disappeared without a trace. Where is he and what do the two strangers arriving over a year later in the middle of the Sorting Feast know about him?
    This is not a gay story, but the plot and writing were just too good to pass up.
UPDATE: The link to the story has been changed from FanFiction to WattPad. WattPad has the enire 22 chapters. My sincerest thanks to Terry for finding the complete version for me! Cheers mate!


New Suggestion!"Harry Potter and the Odour of the Pheromones"
by KatesBrain and Magicofisis
Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/users/KatesBtrain on 6 January 2022
Link verified to ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/users/Magicofisis on 6 January 2022
Hogwarts/Very Explicit/Dubious Consent/BDSM
Rated Fiction MA 18+
9 Chapters (42,599 words)
Completed 7 May 2006
Added 6 January 2022 (archived)
    Harry is bribed to be a potion-tester for Fred and George, and finds that the side effects can be very advantageous. Even though Harry hopes to use the potion on his best friend, he can’t help but be a little distracted ...
    This is an erotic story with an erotic plot with Harry having all kinds of sex with sometimes multiple partners all wrapped around a somewhat dubious plot. I enjoyed it.


"Harry Potter and the Veil of Mystery"
by semprini
Link verified to FanFiction.net/u/2015038/Semprini on 10 March 2021
Hogwarts/No Pairings
Rated Ficton T 13+
24 Chapters (419,861 words)
Completed 5 November 2004
Added 28 January 2010 (archived)
     Suddenly with a higher profile after being proved right about Voldemort's return, Harry's use of Voldemort's name around Hogwarts gains popularity. It also attracts Voldemort's attention in the form of a series of attacks, and Harry soon finds that he is shouldering a burden even greater than the prophecy--the likelihood that Sirius's fate could come to his friends, who will stop at nothing to protect him.
     This is not a gay story, but the plot and writing were just too good to pass up.


"The Horse"
by Elsa2
Link verified to FanFiction.net/Elsa2 on 10 March 2021
Hogwarts/No Pairings
Rated Fiction M
101 Chapters (576,305 words)
Completed 26 October 2009
Added 14 October 2020 (archived)
     Looking after a Muggle animal should be easy compared to saving Hogwarts from Voldemort. Harry and Draco might disagree with that. Featuring Luna, Marauders, peppermints and, of course, a tall, black, badtempered horse named Simon. Could Simon really be someone? There is a lot of guessing going on, but you won't know until almost the end. Awesome writing!
     This is not a gay story, despite Harry and Draco working together.


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The James Potter Series
by G. Norman Lippert
G. Norman Lippert with his son Zane
G. Norman Lippert with his son Zane
    The Harry Potter Series ends with "The Deathly Hallows" (well, the movie series ended with Deathly Hallows Part Two) with Harry and Ginny saying goodbye to their son, James Severus Potter, as he gets on the Hogwarts Express headed for his first year at the famous wizarding school. G. Norman Lippert's series of books picks up right there and follows James Potter through four books of adventure. Even JK Rowling gave him the nod while she and Warner Brothers agreed not to fight or otherwise challenge the free distribution of these books. So, sit back and enjoy the continuation of the Potter Wizarding Saga.


James Potter and the Elders' Crossing by G. Norman Lippert
"James Potter and the Hall of Elders' Crossing"
by G. Norman Lippert
Link to author's site on Goodreads.com verified on 10 March 2021.
Next Generation/First book in the series
Rated K for All Audiences
21 Chapters
Completed 2008
Added 14 Jan 2012 (archived)
    What’s it like to be the son of the most famous wizard of all time?
    James Potter thinks he knows, but as he begins his own adventure at Hogwarts, he discovers just how much of a challenge it really is to live up to the legend of the great Harry Potter. As if it wasn’t enough dealing with the delegates from the American wizarding school and figuring out the mysteriously polite Slytherins, James and his new friends, Ralph and Zane, begin to uncover a secret plot that could pit the Muggle and the Magical worlds against each other in all-out war.
    Now, with the help of Ted Lupin and his band of merry mischief makers (The Gremlins), James must race to stop a war that could change the world forever. His only hope is to learn the difference between being a hero and being the son of a hero.
    This is by far the closest thing to the next Harry Potter book! G. Norman Lippert has captured the essence that IS Harry Potter by continuing the story by following the adventures of his son, James Potter. READ IT!
    The story is available as a PDF download and is wonderfully illustrated. Simply awesome!

James Potter and the Curse of the Gatekeeper by G. Norman Lippert
"James Potter and the Curse of the Gatekeeper"
by G. Norman Lippert
Link to author's site on Goodreads.com verified on 10 March 2021.
Next Generation/Second book in the series
Rated K for All Audiences
20 Chapters
Completed 2008
Added 14 Jan 2012 (archived)
    A summer of change brings James Sirius Potter back to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry with a new perspective. Confident that last year's adventures are well behind him, James prepares for the more prosaic challenges of schoolwork, trying-out for the Quidditch team, and keeping an eye on his brother Albus and cousin Rose.
    A new year brings a new adventure, however, beginning with some increasingly worrisome questions about the new headmaster, Merlinus Ambrosius, whose long trek outside of time may have attracted the attention of a horrible entity known to legend as "the Gatekeeper".
    Determined to prove Merlin's trustworthiness, James finds himself lost in a deepening web of intrigue, deception and secrets that stretches all the way back to the time of the founders.
    With the Gatekeeper looming, preparing its prophesied human host for a final reign of doom, James, Rose and Ralph forge unexpected allies in a last-ditch effort to stop it before it is too late.
    In the end, however, all hopes lead to Merlin, and James must face the very real possibility that everything he believes about the new headmaster is, in fact, a carefully constructed facade.
    This is by far the closest thing to the next Harry Potter book! G. Norman Lippert has captured the essence that IS Harry Potter by continuing the story by following the adventures of his son, James Potter. READ IT!
    BUT FIRST, read James Potter and the Elders' Crossing, the first story by G. Norman Lippert about Harry Potter's son James. I guarantee that you will enjoy both stories!

James Potter and the Vault of Destinies by G. Norman Lippert
"James Potter and the Vault of Destinies"
by G. Norman Lippert
Link to author's site on Goodreads.com verified on 10 March 2021.
Next Generation/Third book in the series
Rated K for All Audiences
25 Chapters
Completed Jan 2010
Added 14 Jan 2012 (archived)
    This Changes Everything...
    It is a year of change and upheaval for the entire Potter family. Harry, as head Auror, has been sent to the United States to help investigate a nefarious underground group whose proclaimed goals are to unite the Muggle and magical world by any means necessary. Unwilling to be separated for the lengthy trip, Ginny insists that family accompany Harry, launching a year long journey to the United States and the American wizarding school of Alma Aleron.
    Determined to avoid adventure for the term, James finds himself unwittingly pulled into an international incident involving Petra Morganstern, who has accompanied the family to the states along with her younger Muggle step-sister Izabella. Apparently framed for a crime she didn't commit, James, Ralph and Zane must prove Petra's innocence before she is separated from Izzy forever.
    Complicating matters, however, is the very real possibility that, despite James' growing feelings for Petra, she may indeed be guilty of the crime she has been accused of, and perhaps even worse things. Because Petra, as James slowly learns, is no ordinary witch. Her magic is mysteriously powerful, even without a wand, and headmaster Merlin himself seems wary of her.
    In the end, James must choose to confront the truth that he has been seeking, knowing that it may well shatter his perception of the girl he loves, and even the stability of the magical world at large.
    As Albus says, keep one hand on your wand and the other on your wallet.

James Potter and the Morrigan Web by G. Norman Lippert
"James Potter and the Morrigan Web"
by G. Norman Lippert
Link to author's site on Goodreads.com verified on 10 March 2021.
Next Generation/Fourth book in the series
Rated K for All Audiences
25 Chapters
Completed Jan 2010
Added 23 February 2016 (archived)
    As James Potter returns to Hogwarts in the wake of "the Night of the Unveiling", he discovers that even in the protected center of the magical world, nothing is quite the same.
    Despite the Ministry's efforts, the Vow of Secrecy is crumbling the world over, eroding age-old safeguards and threatening magical and Muggle governments with dark magic conspiracies.
    Amidst the turmoil, a gravely suspicious new headmaster, Rechtor Grudje, institutes Draconian security measures hinting more at dictatorial control than safety.
    At the same time, an international exchange program allows students from Hogwarts, Alma Aleron, Durmstrang, Beauxbatons and a mysterious fifth school to attend each others' classes, introducing an entirely new social dynamic and potential for exploration. Along with Alma Aleron's Zane Walker, this brings a new face to Hogwarts, the infuriating yet intriguing Natasia Hendrix, who harbors her own complicated-- and far-reaching-- secrets.
    As the school year progresses, James' works is gradually overshadowed by a growing danger known as the Morrigan Web, a mythical, magical doomsday weapon which threatens to tumble the entire world, Muggle and magical alike, into the hands of the vicious Lady of the Lake.
    In the center of it all, Petra Morganstern and her sister Izzy-- the Sister Fates of the Lady of the Lake-- move quietly in the shadows, out of sight, weaving their own mysterious master plan.


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"The World Without Me"
by Eternal Cosmos
Link verified to FanFiction.net/Eternal-Cosmos on 10 March 2021
Post War/Parallel Universe
Rated Ficton T 13+
44 Chapters with a Prologue (179,779 words)
Completed 18 March 2008
Added 23 Sept 2012 (archived)
      The World Without Me by Eternal Cosmos
     The war is over and Harry Potter has won. The Dark Lord is dead, but so is everyone else that Harry cared about. He stands in the middle of the battlefield surrounded by bodies.
     But then Harry sees someone that would most likely end his suffering of loss and of his life ... Nagini, Lord Voldemort's snake. Harry learns the snake was under Voldemort's Imperious curse. Then Fawkes shows up and offers to transport Harry to a parallel universe before the war began. With a second chance to "get it right," Harry agrees, but Nagini wants to go too. She's pissed that Voldemort used her. And away we go on a wonderful tale. You will certainly enjoy this story!


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